If you visit East Java,you can
visit Suku Ngluwur,Suku Ngluwur lives in Desa Kepuhsari,Wonogiri,East Java.In
the village,people still use traditional equipment.The situation is a bit peace
and quiet.People do not turn the radio or television on loudly.
Most of the people work as
farmers.They work on their own rice fields or on others’.The irrigation system
is very good because they always keep the existence of the forest in Gajah
Mountain.Nobody is allowed to cut the trees in the forest.They can not event
collect the twigs for fire needs.They have to grow and cut bamboo from their
own garden instead.If they do not have any,they can borrow from their
neighbours and return it later.
If you come to this tourism object you have to bring your travel stuff and items,because you will rarely finda a store

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