of Mount Ijen flanked by three major cities in East Java, namely Banyuwangi,
Bondowoso, and Situbondo. However, Mount Ijen crater itself lies in two areas,
namely Banyuwangi and Bondowoso. Mount Ijen volcano is one that is active to
this day with an altitude of 2,443 meters above sea level.
trip to the crater of Mount Ijen nature reserves you can travel through two
routes, namely Banyuwangi and Bondowoso. Each of these routes would offer a
natural beauty that is very charming. Route of Banyuwangi for example will pass
through the village Sleek and Guava to reach into the area of Mount Ijen.
However, when entering the road at Mount Meranti, you will find the streets are
badly damaged condition along approximately 2 km so as to make it difficult for
motorcyclists who are less familiar with the terrain of the road.
through these Bondowoso, you will pass through the area and Sempol Tapen. Road
conditions through Bondowoso also still broken but not as severe as that of
Banyuwangi direction and length of the road approximately 20 km. The route from
this Bondowoso damaged road conditions are not matched by availability of tire
repairman so that it can be trouble for motorcyclist, another case of
Banyuwangi route is still quite a lot of tire repairman. In addition, other
advantages such as the frequency of both vehicles motorcycles and trucks
through the area.
nature reserve of Mount Ijen crater does have a tourist attraction that is very
interesting, but because sulfur miners activity, but also because of
its natural and pristine. In the crater of Mount Ijen nature reserves will be
encountered fruit crops that can be enjoyed and also known as the edelweiss
plant perennial flowers, besides there also you will be presented with a view
of wild animals, such as partridges, various types of birds , and also when the
more fortunate will be able to see the leopard. Before embarking on a trip to
the summit of Mount Ijen crater, visitors are required to report to the
supervisory post. Around the observation post available accommodation lodges
that cater to visitors who want to rest. The visitors who want to climb up to
the summit of Mount Ijen crater within 3 miles, usually choose to leave at 2:00
pm. They hope to see the beautiful sunrise from the summit crater.
the trip to the summit crater of Mount Ijen , terrain that must be traversed by
hikers is a rocky road ( gravel ) road slope varies with the tendency there is
almost reaching 45 ยบ slope , thus requiring an extra strong physical to be able
to climb up to the top of the peak . However , not to worry because the height
of 2,214 meters above sea level will find a cottage which is often used by the
viewer for a rest and also weigh heavily sulfur brought .Something remarkable
when looking at the activities of sulfur miners who have to start carrying
sulfur from the early morning until the night before . Ijen crater is famous
for producing sulfur , that's what makes the tourists willing to come into the
crater of Mount Ijen to see the activities of sulfur miners . The miners
successive turns carrying sulfur from the crater to the weighing sulfur cottage
then transported back to the lodge final judgments under the peak ( around the
observation post ) and finally at the bottom by a truck to be sent and
struggle is so great when looking at the activities of sulfur miners who every
day have to carry 2 ( two ) baskets can achieve sulfur weighing approximately
90 kg . And , every kilogram appreciated only Rp620 , 00 per kilogram of sulfur
which is carried by the miners would cut about 5 kg . Mathematical calculations
, for example, a miner who carries 90 kg, 5 kg will be cut , so that the obtained
approximately 95 kg , then multiplied by Rp620,00, ( 95 kg x 620 ) will be
obtained Rp58.900 , 00 for all transport .Mining activity in the crater of Mount
Ijen was started in the 1960s, in the period up to now have dozens and dozens
of pounds may even reach tens of tons of sulfur that has been transported from
the crater . Not one that can be called Mount Ijen crater with sulfur plant.
Needs of industry ( chemical, cosmetics, sugar mill, etc. ) that will most
benefit and the main attraction of the function of sulfur in the crater of Ijen
sulfur mining.

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