Vacation To Jakarta

For those of you who intend to holiday in Jakarta following multiple choice vacation spot that fits :

Kepulauan Seribu
hundred island
North Jakarta into a tourist paradise of water. There are hundreds of islands made ​​outstanding and exciting vacation spots. You also can decide a vacation to one of the islands there, or drive around to the many beautiful islands there .If you want to snorkel, there are several options islands include Water Island, Hope Island and Scout Island. Want to enjoy the beautiful beaches, can Pari Island, Island Island Tidung or shrub leaves. Leave the morning if you want to have plenty of time to play water a day.

monasNot infrequently traveler from Jakarta and surrounding areas who have not been to the monument. In fact, there are many exciting activities that can be done there . You can walk around the monument to rent a tandem bike or a regular bike. Furthermore, can play a variety of sports such as skate boards, basketball or futsal in some field that was there. Sitting in the chair that had been provided under the tree was no less fun . In fact , the picnic was fun here. Want to learn history ? Just get into the monument and meticulous diorama of Indonesian independence struggle there. Eits, do not forget to climb to the top of the monument, OK..!
Angke Mangrove Forest
mangrove forest jakarta
Still in the area of ​​North Jakarta, there Parks Nature Kapok Angke. There is no green mangrove forests, beautiful and fresh eyes. A different attractions in Jakarta. This forest is located in the area of ​​Pantai Indah Kapok.There are several choices of activities you can do there, ranging from exploring the forest by boat, or it could be from the top of the bridge, to plant mangroves. There are also available inn that stood on the water. Want to spend the night there ?

Kota Tua (Old Town)
kota tua jakarta
Old Town is not dead and is often used as a vacation destination in Jakarta. Off this time, there's nothing wrong there. Assorted snacks typical of Jakarta can be found there as ice pieces or egg crust. Various museums there are also waiting to be explored. Want a way around the Old Town is fun, just rent a bicycle that is in Fatahilah Field. One again, hunting photos!
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